
Mommy Madlen proudly introduces "Grey Goose" (aka Skeletor) to our ever expanding family.

Experimented with Pony Baby Shower Cake, not sure how we feel about it!

We introduce our new family member - "Wilhelm"

We picked up Wilhelm today in Bryan, Texas. He is a CJ2 Willys Jeep and was born in 1948.
He started on the first turn! Amazing!


Vinyl Fence is up in the front!

My little tractor did a great job on handling the post hole auger!

First day we finished the right hand side:

Second day we finished the back:

Now the front (~1.5 acres) of our property is fenced in with vinyl fence. Beautiful!

The rest will be done with high tensile wire fence.


Fencing this week!

Just bought fence posts for the pasture. We will be putting them up this week.