All Permits done - we are all 'FINAL-FINAL' with the barn
Well - its been a long journey. It all started on a very sad day on September 20, 2010. It was the day 'Max' - the best Chow-Chow ever - passed away and we buried him in the back of our property. The same day we signed the contract with our scumbag contractor 'Rick Cazares'. Anyhow - it took us till December 15th 2011 to get all permits straightened out mostly because our contractor was not what he portrayed to be. Most and foremost - he was not trustworthy. After some back and forth we dumped the dead-weight-scum-bag and moved on being our own general contractor. And things were moving...
We purchased a building in May and as you could see on the blog ones it was delivered in July and we quickly started moving ahead. The building was done in three days but it took me from August 2012 to April 2013 to get all the interior stuff sorted out and approved by the City of Houston. Most of this 'delay' was caused by the fact the we did all the work on the weekends and I had to take a day vacation for every inspection. But its all done now. On Friday we passed the final-final inspection, the one after the final inspections are done, and we are "good" now.
We are proudly present the 'garage':
Iy=ts time to concentrate back to the out-doors.... the stuff is growing like crazy!
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